Nothing Oughta Be Like Nothing (Part 1)

Arrangement Week

Okay. Here’s the deal. I’ve got a song in the works. It ain’t one of those that can just be written and done in 5 minutes. The first verse came out tonight like a dream and then the second verse kinda stalled and wiggled and wouldn’t break. So, this week, I’m gonna do a new verse each day, to this new song, which also does not yet have a title. I’ll call it Untitled Song Number 1.

I was also planning on changing instruments each day of this week, hence the week being called Arrangement Week. I’ll still attempt to do this. Maybe the challenge of a different thing in my hands each day will rattle some words out of me.

This new one is kinda shapin up to be like a lot of other new one’s I’ve written recently with a similar (or exact) repeating line instead of a good old chorus. The melody isn’t stolen from anything that I know of and I’m just apickin on the guitar.

I also don’t have any image to go with this post. This song is too new and too unfinished to have any idea what it’s about. So I’ll just go with this, it’s unfinished too:

Nothing is ever finished.

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